Do Dogs Have Feelings For Humans? 7 Studies Answers it



  • Dogs have developed brains and therefore have feelings for humans.
  • Dogs exhibit the same behaviors as human infants when meeting their owners after some time.
  • Puppy eyes, leaning, following the owners, wagging their tails, licking and sleeping around owners are some signs that show dogs have feelings for humans.

As dog owners, we like to think that our furry friends have strong emotions and feelings toward us. We love them, care for them, and provide them with a comfortable life, so it’s only natural to assume that they reciprocate these sentiments. But do dogs have feelings for humans?

The answer, according to experts, is a resounding yes. Dogs are highly social creatures and have evolved to form strong bonds with their pack members.

And while the bond between humans and dogs may not be as tight as that between two dogs, it’s still a very real and special connection.

Let’s take a look at what science has to say about this question.

Do dogs have feelings for humans? Scientific Evidence says so

Yes, dogs have feelings for humans. In fact, they have a range of emotions just like we do, and they can even feel complex emotions like guilt, jealousy, and shame.

The science behind this is pretty interesting. Dogs share a lot of the same brain structures that are responsible for emotion in humans. The limbic system is a part of the brain in dogs that controls the emotions of fear, anger, and pleasure. It is very similar in dogs and humans. This similarity likely contributes to the strong emotional bond between humans and dogs.

Dog's brain similar to humans - Do dogs have feelings for humans

In addition to the limbic system, dogs also have something called the caudate nucleus. This brain structure is associated with positive emotions like happiness, love, and satisfaction. It’s thought to be responsible for the “gushy” feeling we get when we’re around our dogs. When you see your dog, this area of the brain lights up just like it does when you see a loved one.

According to research, the communication skills of dogs are similar to humans. Due to the domestication process, their ability to understand human emotion has also increased.

One study found that when dog owners gaze into their dog’s eyes, both the human and the dog experience a boost in oxytocin levels—the so-called “love hormone.” Oxytocin is associated with bonding and attachment in humans and other animals, so this finding suggests that there may be something special going on between humans and their canine companions.

So, yes, dogs have feelings for humans. They experience a range of emotions, and they form strong bonds with the people they love. If you’re wondering how your dog feels about you, just look into their eyes and see the love shining back.

Do dogs have feelings for their owners?  Observational Studies

When you come home from work, your dog is likely to greet you with excitement and happiness.

They may even wag their tail or jump up on you to show their joy. And when you’re sad or upset, they may come over to comfort you.

A study looked at how dogs respond to being reunited with their owners after being separated for a period of time. The researchers found that dogs exhibited many of the same behaviors as human infants.

This behavior is known as “affiliative behavior,” which refers to actions taken by an individual to maintain or increase social contact with another individual. Affiliative behavior is often seen between parents and young children as well as between mates—so it’s perhaps not surprising that dogs would show similar behaviors toward their guardians.

Dogs excitement after meeting their owners

Studies have shown that dogs display separation anxiety when their guardians leave them alone and suffer from depression when another dog in their household dies or is given away. These behaviors suggest that dogs do experience some level of attachment to their guardians and may even grieve when they’re gone.

This is all evidence that dogs do have feelings for humans. They may not experience them in exactly the same way that we do, but they are certainly capable of forming strong emotional bonds with the people they love.

So, if you’re wondering whether or not your dog truly loves you, the answer is a resounding yes. Dogs may not be able to express their feelings in words, but their actions speak volumes.

Do Dogs have feelings for their owners? Behavioral Study

Dogs communicate their emotions through body language. And while they may not be able to tell you in words that they love you, their actions will definitely show it.

Here are some of the ways dogs express their love for their owners:

Puppy eyes: Dogs often give what’s called a “puppy dog eyes” look when they want something from you or when they’re feeling guilty about something. This is because they know that this look is hard for us to resist.

Leaning: When dogs lean on us, it’s a sign of affection. They’re trying to show us that they trust and feel comfortable around us.

Following you around: Dogs are social creatures, so it’s only natural that they want to be close to the people they love. If your dog follows you around everywhere you go, it’s a sign that they really enjoy your company.

Wagging their tail: A wagging tail is usually a sign of happiness, but it can also be a sign of excitement or fear. If your dog is wagging their tail vigorously, it’s a good indication that they’re happy to see you.

Licking: Licking is another way dogs show affection. When they lick our faces, it’s often seen as an act of grooming. But it can also be a sign of love and appreciation.

Sleeping next to you: Dogs are pack animals, so sleeping close to their owner is a sign of trust and companionship.

Dogs follow, lean or wags their owners which show they have feelings for their owners

Do Dogs Sense Human Emotions? Understanding Creature

One of the ways dogs show that they have feelings for humans is by being attuned to our emotions. Studies have shown that dogs can actually sense when we’re happy or sad and react accordingly. Dogs can empathize with humans.

For example, one experiment found that dogs would approach their owners more quickly when they were called by name with a happy voice, as opposed to an angry voice.

Do Dogs want to please their owners? Loyal Animals

Another way dogs demonstrate their feelings for us is by trying to please us. This is most evident in the bond between a dog and their owner, but it can also be seen in other human-dog interactions.

Dogs are known for being loyal and obedient, which is likely due to the fact that they want to please their owners. Studies have shown that dogs will actually go out of their way to do things that they think will make their owners happy.

For example, one experiment found that dogs will often go out of their way to do things that make us happy, such as fetching a ball or bringing us a toy. This shows that dogs not only have feelings for their owners, but they also want to make them happy.

Do Dogs Grieve When Their Owner Dies? Dogs Get Sad

When we leave our dogs alone, they may show signs of separation anxiety, such as pacing or barking. This isn’t because they’re just bored – it’s because they miss us and don’t like being away from us.

Dogs have also been known to grieve when their owners die. One study found that dogs exhibited signs of depression, such as increased sleeping and loss of appetite, for up to a year after their owner’s death.

Dogs grieve on the death of their owners

If you’ve ever lost a dog, you know how agonizing it can be. And it turns out that dogs experience grief in much the same way we do. When a dog’s owner dies, they may become withdrawn, lose their appetite, and sleep more than usual.

Some may even cry or whine for their lost loved one. While it’s impossible to know exactly what’s going through a dog’s mind during this difficult time, it’s clear that they feel deep sadness at the loss of their human companion.

Do dogs show their affection for their owners? Yes They Do

Dogs express their love for us in many different ways, including wagging their tails, licking our faces, snuggling up close, looking into our eyes and leaning against us. Each dog is unique, so it’s important to pay attention to how your dog shows you affection.

Some dogs may be more vocal than others, while some may show their love through physical touch. They also show their love by being loyal, protective, and obedient. So the next time your dog gives you a big wet kiss, remember that it’s their way of saying “I love you!”

Do Dogs Form attachment to humans?

The bond between humans and dogs is unlike any other. Dogs have an innate ability to sense our emotions and respond accordingly. They also strive to please us and show their love for us in many different ways. This unique connection is one of the reasons why dogs are such special creatures.

Dogs form attachment bonds with their owners. They feel more secure when they are with their owner and are more likely to show signs of distress when separated from them.

The bond between humans and dogs is special because it’s based on trust, companionship, and love. Dogs are loyal, obedient, and protective of their owners – they really are man’s best friend.


While we may never know exactly what our dogs are thinking or feeling (and they may never be able to tell us), the evidence suggests that they do experience a range of emotions—including love—toward us.

So next time you stare into your dog’s eyes and wonder whether they love you back, rest assured knowing that there’s a good chance they actually do. Have you ever noticed that your dog has feelings for you not? If so how do they show it? Let us know in the comments below.


  1. Katayama, M., Kubo, T., Yamakawa, T., Fujiwara, K., Nomoto, K., Ikeda, K., Mogi, K., Nagasawa, M., & Kikusui, T. (2019). Emotional Contagion From Humans to Dogs Is Facilitated by Duration of Ownership. Frontiers in Psychology.
  2. Nagasawa, M., Ogawa, M., Mogi, K., & Kikusui, T. (2017). Intranasal Oxytocin Treatment Increases Eye-Gaze Behavior toward the Owner in Ancient Japanese Dog Breeds. Frontiers in Psychology.
  3. Monsó, S., & Huber, L. (2020). How Dogs Perceive Humans and How Humans Should Treat Their Pet Dogs: Linking Cognition With Ethics. Frontiers in Psychology.
  4. Silva, K., & de Sousa, L. (2011). ‘Canis empathicus’? A proposal on dogs’ capacity to empathize with humans. Biology Letters, 7(4), 489-492.
  5. Do Dogs Mourn? By Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Lynn Buzhardt, DVM

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